Switch Customs Brokers B.V.


Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)

Enterprises involved in international trade and commerce may apply to Customs for the status of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO). AEO certificate offers different advantages in international trade. Customs grants various facilities for physical customs inspections to enterprises with the AEO status.

Enterprises that would like to qualify for the AEO status must meet a number of criteria. The AEO-status and the guidelines for granting the status are based on the Community Customs Code and the pertaining implementing regulation. There are three kinds of AEO certificates:

  • Customs simplifications Certificate
  • Security and safety Certificate
  • A combined Customs simplification and Security and safety certificate

The degree to which an enterprise is granted facilities for the inspection depends on: the type of certificate or the role an enterprise fulfils within the logistic chain.

Background, since September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, much attention has been focused on international safety and security measures. Concept of ‘safety and security’ has been included in the European customs legislation.

Enterprises and their suppliers involved in EU cross-border movements of goods will have to comply with this new legislation. When introducing new legislation the European Union intends to offer the business sector better facilities. These facilities should result in the reduction of logistic delays and administrative burdens. As of September 2007, enterprises may therefore apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). An AEO certificate is valid in all EU Member States.

The introduction of the AEO status is for Dutch Customs an important next step towards cooperation with the business sector. It fits in with the aim to ‘horizontalize’ supervision. This means that the business sector together with the Customs Department are responsible for a safe and incorruptible goods flow crossing external borders. It offers the prospect of ensuring together a safe logistic chain.

Our certificate number is : NL AEOF 0000816 issued 19-07-2011 (Customs simplification and Security)